Thursday, July 2, 2015

Larry's Losing It

Picture 1.    This is a church for lost souls.  The six direction signs in front of this small town church       prove this point.  Hopefully after the sermon they aren't as lost.

Picture 2.    These buggies were recovered from the Chariot races in Ben Hur.  They are very ergonomic.

Picture 3.  Opening date is July 20th.  The trimming would be done if this guy had a real job.


  1. Larry misses yard work so much he does it "on the road" !?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my gosh!!!! This is our orchard. This is where I grew up going every year for pumpkins and apples. Please tell me you bought a penny stick from the candy shop. Love, Becca.
