Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 18. Ripley MS to Houston MS. 65 miles

    After a short time in the dark, I was back on the highway for awhile. I felt much better when my route meandered to less busy roads, until the road turned to gravel, or should I say mud from an overnight rain. I had to walk some sections and keep knocking mud clumps off my bike. That led to an absolutely beautiful bike path though. I was on it for the remainder of the ride. The trees provided a lot of shade and it was a pleasant way to end Flag Day.  I got to the end before Larry. Lucky for me, there was a port-a-pot there since a heavy rain storm caught me about 2 miles out of town. It was a sight for wet eyes!


  1. It looks on Mapquest like you've got just over 300 miles to go. You can do it, Beth! I hope the rains hold off for the rest of your trip.

  2. Very helpful suggestions that help in the optimizing website. thank for sharing the link.
