Saturday, May 28, 2016

Day 1 Fort Frances, Canada to Orr, MN 55 miles

     These three songs kept running through my head today:
                         I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain
                         The Eensy, Weensy Spider
                         Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
     Yes, it rained lightly all but about five miles. We were only in Canada a short time, but got to go through customs twice. Coming back I was on my bike and they had me go inside. The officer asked where I was from and I said Des Moines. As he was typing that in, I explained I was headed to New Orleans. At that point , he stopped typing and went into a serious pondering mode and finally said "I think I need to start over." I passed!
     Even with the rain, I was able to make it to the hotel early. The roads were good and the drivers courteous. One even stopped to see if I needed anything.  Oh, that was Larry.

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